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首页>医学期刊>亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿) 核心类
CSCD核心(2023-2024), 维普收录, 目次收录(万方), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊
亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)

ISSN:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
e-ISSN:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)

  • 收录: 亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 国际标准简称:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 出版地区:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 出版周期:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 出版年份:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 语言:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 是否OA:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 学科领域:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 中科院分区:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • JCR分区:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • IF影响因子:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
  • 是否预警:亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)(Asian Journal of Urology) (官网投稿)
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期刊简介Journal Introduction
《亚洲泌尿外科杂志(英文)》(Asian Journal of Urology)(季刊),由上海市科学技术协会、第二军医大学主办的具有国际水平的全英文期刊,由Elsevier出版,Thomson Reuters提供技术支持与管理,目前为季刊。主要报道亚洲乃至全球范围内泌尿外科领域的最新基础科研进展及临床诊疗经验,为国内外泌尿外科领域科研及临床工作者提供良好的交流平台。主要栏目:论著(Original articles)、综述(Reviews and Mini-reviews)、临床经验(Clinical experience)、临床图片(Clinical images)、编者按(Editorials)、研究快报(Rapid communication)、科研亮点(Research highlights)、视角(Perspectives)、评论(Commentaries)、个案报道(Case reports)、来信(Letters)、亚洲聚焦(Asian focus)、学科数据(Urological data)、消息新闻(News and information)等。
征稿信息Call for Papers Information














Guide for Authors

Asian Journal of Urology is an international peer-reviewed journal jointly founded by Shanghai Association for Science & Technology (SAST) and Second Military Medical University. It focuses on all specialties of urology both basically and clinically (including, but not limited to, surgical oncology, endourology, calculi, female urology, erectile dysfunction, pediatrics, renal transplantation, reconstructive surgery, infertility, radiology, pathology, and neurourology).

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts for Asian Journal of Urology should be submitted via the homepage of the journal at or via the online manuscript submission and review system at

If you have any questions for papers’ preparation, please contact Editorial office of Asian Journal of Urology via

Article types

Editorials usually provide commentary and analysis concerning an article in the issue of the Journal in which they appear. They may include 1 figure or table. They are nearly always solicited, although unsolicited editorials may occasionally be considered. Editorials are limited to 750 words, with up to 10 references.

Reviews should include the urological questions or issues which are importance for biomedical research, clinical practice, special practice, or public health; description of how the relevant evidence was identified, assessed for quality, and selected for inclusion; synthesis of the available evidence such that the best-quality evidence (e.g., randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and high-quality prospective cohort studies) should receive the greatest emphasis; and discussion of controversial aspects and unresolved issues. Authors will be asked to describe characteristics of the literature search performed for their review. A narrative (unstructured) or structured abstract is required and should not exceed 250 words. Maximum length: 6000 words of text (not including abstract, tables, figures, references, and online-only material), with no more than a total of 4 tables and/or figures and no more than 50-75 references.

Mini-reviews are much more focused than Reviews. A Mini-review introduces the reader to a particular area of an author’s research through a concise overview of a selected topic. The content should balance scope with depth, and references to important works from others that are significant to the topic, should be included. It is shorter (approximately 2000 words). However, it should still have an Abstract (no more than 150 words) that should similarly arouse the readers’ interest.

Original articles typically include basic research, randomized trials, intervention studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, epidemiologic assessments, other observational studies, surveys with high response rates, cost-effectiveness analyses and decision analyses, and studies of screening and diagnostic tests. These articles should be arranged as follows: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials (Patients) and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Tables, Legends. A structured abstract is required and must conform to the following style: Objective, Materials (Patients) and Methods, Results, Conclusion. Maximum length: 5000 words of text (not including abstract, tables, figures, references, and online-only material). There should be no more than 8 tables and/or figures.

Clinical experiences report the experience for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of urological diseases. A structured abstract is required. Maximum length: 2000 words of text (not including abstract, tables, figures, references, and online-only material) with no more than a total of 5 tables and/or figures.

Clinical images are intended to provide a visual image of an interesting and unique urological observation. A 500-word description (including acknowledgment, all text, tables, figure legends, and references) of the clinical issue, the patient’s urological findings, and the image should be included. There should be no more than 2 images and 4 references.

Case reports include short reports or original studies or evaluations or unique, first-time reports or clinical cases (individual or a series). Maximum length: 1000-2000 words (including acknowledgment, abstract, all text, tables, figure legends, and references), with no more than 15 references and 4 tables and/or figures.

Letters should be useful to urological practitioners. The length should not exceed 1000 words.  There should be no more than 2 tables and/or figures and 10 references.

Special feature

Urological data include 1) the number, distribution and features of urological institutes, equipments, and researching faculty in various countries in the world; 2) the data analysis of international cutting-edge researches on urology, such as new theories, techniques, projects, clinical trials, awards, patents, and outcomes transforming; 3) quantitative analysis on urological literatures to provide references for future researches. Submissions could be research article (3000-4000 words), commentary (1000-2000 words), or meta-analysis (4000-6000 words).

Asian focus welcomes researches with typical Asian features, including those on epidemical, genetical, regional areas, and occupational, frequently occurring diseases, as well as disease spectrum and other representing the current situations in Asia (Asian countries’ names are preferred appearing in the title). It also includes policy and guide interpretation in Asian countries and regions. Submissions could be research article (3000-4000 words), review (4000-6000 words), commentary (1000-2000 words), opinion or view points (1000-2000 words).

Manuscript preparation

Cover letter

Submitted manuscripts should be accompanied by a covering letter giving details of:

1) the title of the manuscript and its main point;

2) a statement that the manuscript has not been published in part or whole (except in the form of abstract) or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in any language;

3) a statement that all authors have agreed to be so listed and have seen and approved the manuscript, its consent and its submission to Asian Journal of Urology;

4) a full current postal address, telephone, and current email address. We usually communicate with authors by email.

Subdivision - numbered sections

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.

Title page

The title page should contain

1) Title

2) Authorship: Please include affiliation details for all authors. Indicate the email address of the

corresponding author.

3) Running title


Keywords (three to eight)

Please include at least three descriptive keywords (maximum of eight) that capture the main

topics of the article.

Main Text (Key body of work, normally divided into sections and described by short headings)

Author contributions

Conflicts of interest

In the interests of transparency and to help readers to form their own judgements of potential bias, Asian Journal of Urology requires authors to declare to the editors any conflicts of interests in relation to the work described.

Acknowledgments (including any personal thanks as well as listing the source of research funds)


Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Published articles as well as those in press (please state the name of the journal) may be included. In the text of the manuscript, references to the literature should be numbered consecutively. Each reference should be numbered individually and listed at the end of the manuscript; examples are given below. All authors should be quoted for papers with up to six authors; for papers with six or more authors, the first six authors only should be quoted, followed by et al.


Journal article up to six authors (list all authors):

Alenezi H, Denstedt JD. Flexible ureteroscopy: Technological advancements, current indications and outcomes in the treatment of urolithiasis. Asian J Urol 2015; 3: 133-41.

Journal article more than six authors (list first six and add et al.):

Chen R, Xie L, Cai X, Huang Y, Zhou L, Ma L, et al. Percent free prostate-specific antigen for prostate cancer diagnosis in Chinese men with a PSA of 4.0–10.0 ng/mL: Results from the Chinese Prostate Cancer Consortium. Asian J Urol 2015; 2: 107-13.


Armitage P. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publishers; 1971. p239.

Chapter in a book:

Morley JE, Kaiser FE, Jonson LE. Male sexual function. In: Cassel CK, Riesenberg DE, Sorensen LB, Walsh JR, editors. Geriatric Medicine. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1990. p256-70.

Table and figure captions (numbered in sequence as they appear in the text)

Figure legends


Tables must be concise and cited consecutively using Arabic numerals in the text (Table 1, Table 2, etc.).


Figures (photographs, drawings, diagrams and charts) should be clear, easily legible and cited consecutively using Arabic numerals in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).

Black and white images (photographs, line drawings, graphs etc.) should be saved and supplied as TIFF, or JPEG files with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi.

Colour images should be saved and supplied as TIFF, or JPEG files with a minimum resolution of 350 dpi.

If a figure comprises more than one glossy photograph, these should be marked A, B, C, etc.

Scale markers should be indicated in the photographs.

Supplementary information

Supplementary information is peer-reviewed material directly relevant to the conclusion of an article that cannot be included in the printed version owing to space or format constraints. It is posted on the journal's website and linked to the article when the article is published online and supplementary information may consist of data files, graphics, videos or extensive tables.

Ethical requirement

Asian Journal of Urology follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals and we also follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. All the contributions being considered for publication in Asian Journal of Urology should meet the criteria in the ICMJE Recommendations. Especially the manuscripts reporting studies involving human subjects, statements identifying the appropriate institutional review board approving the studies and confirming that informed consent was obtained from all subjects must appear in the method section. We also suggest that researchers carrying out experiments with animals refer to the ARRIVE guidelines.


Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a “License to Publish”. Acceptance of the license will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. An email will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a “License to Publish” form or a link to the online version of this license. Permission of the journal is required for resale or distribution outside the institution and for all other derivative works, including compilations and translations (please consult Asian Journal of Urology If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source(s) in the article.


Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these).

Page Charge and Color Charge

We are waiving all fees for authors, including page charge, cost for color photos and cover images now.

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